在一天即将结束的时候,小镇还没有进入梦乡,你可能会走出家门,出去溜达一圈。当你走进这浅浅的夜色中,任何事情都可能发生,你可能会碰到一只猫,甚至一只赶早的浣熊。 当你周围的窗一个接一个地点亮,周围就像挂满了灯笼一样。每一扇窗都会给你传达不一样的信息,有的窗与窗之间说说小秘密、鬼主意,有些窗则空空的,等你用故事填满……
朱莉亚·丹诺丝和E. B. 古戴尔共同创作了这一视角独特的绘本,利用孩子对每扇窗的好奇,引发小读者对家这个概念的理解,同时也阐述了归属感和安全感是每个孩子都应当享有的权利。
Every window conveys a different message to you. some windows are filled with secrets and ideas , while others are empty , waiting for you to fill them with your stories...
This book is a unique portrait that uses a child's curiosity about every window to inspire young readers to understand the concept of home and to demonstrate that belonging and security are the rights that every child should have.
适用年龄: 4岁-10岁
Recommended for Ages: 4-10