作者: 安娜.沃克
Author: Anna Walker
《我爱跳舞/I Love系列》描绘了儿童生活的点点滴滴,充满快乐的生活气息,仿佛由一首首快乐音符组成的儿歌。书中描绘的孩子和爸爸妈妈一起玩耍的快乐时光温暖动人,适合爸爸妈妈和孩子在亲子共读中一起感受亲子之乐,加深父母和孩子间的交流和情感。画面色彩新鲜温暖,令孩子倍感亲切。主人公小斑马欧利耶形象甜美可爱,就像是一个调皮可爱的孩子。小朋友们总能从书中找到自己的影子,令小朋友们倍感亲切。
The "I Love Dancing/I Love Series" depicts the joyful bits and pieces of children's lives, like a nursery rhyme composed of happy notes. It is perfect for parents to read to their children where everyone can feel the joy of parent-child reading and deepen their communication and emotional connection with each other. The color of the illustrations are fresh and warm. The protagonist, little Zebra Ollie, is sweet and cute as well as naughty. Children can always find a part of themselves in these books, allowing them to relate to Ollie and resonate with the messages in these stories.
适用年龄: 3-6岁
Recommended for ages: 3-6