作者: 五味太郎
Author: Tarō Gomi
本套书共8册,收录了绘本大师五味太郎的经典畅销作品,包括:《小金鱼逃走了》《小牛的春天》 《袜子藏哪儿了》《冰激凌是谁吃的》《藏猫猫 藏猫猫》《看,脱光光了!》《黄色的……是蝴蝶》《从窗外送来的礼物》。低幼绘本的主要功能是游戏+认知,将认知融入在有趣的游戏中,才能调动宝宝的兴趣。五味太郎通过巧妙设计把读绘本变成了充满惊喜的游戏,在低幼童书界独树一帜,惹得无数小宝宝甚至大宝宝为之痴迷。连大人看了也会连连赞叹,五味太郎的绘本就是不一样!
This set of 8 volumes contains the classic best-selling works of picture book master Gomi Taro, including: "Little Goldfish Escaped", "Mavericks' Spring", "Where is the Socks Hidden", "Who Eats the Ice Cream", "Tibetan Cat, Hidden Cat" "Look, I'm naked! "The yellow...is a butterfly" and "A gift from the window". The main function of picture books is cognition. Only by integrating cognition into interesting games can your child's interest be aroused. Through clever design, Gomi Taro has turned picture book reading into a game full of surprises. It is unique in the book industry for young children and has even attracted countless older children. Even adults will be amazed when they read it as Gomi Taro's picture books are different!
1、《小金鱼逃走了》 Little Goldfish Escaped
2、《小牛的春天》 Spring of the Mavericks
3、《冰激凌是谁吃的》 Who Eats The Ice Cream?
4、《看,脱光光了!》 Look, I'm naked!
5、《藏猫猫 藏猫猫》 Tibetan Cat
6、《黄色的……是蝴蝶》 The Butterfly is Yellow
7、《从窗外送来的礼物》Gift From The Window
8、《袜子藏哪儿了》 Where Are The Socks Hidden?
适用年龄: 3-6岁
Recommended for ages: 3-6