作者: 安娜·杜德尼
Author: Anna Dewdney
《羊驼拉玛系列(中英双语 套装共8册)》是一套全球畅销的儿童心理行为指导绘本,入选《学者》杂志评选的“100本伟大童书”,荣获10多项国际大奖:已改编为15集动画片,中英双语,英语启蒙。
Alpaca Rama is a very naughty little guy. Going wild and crying hysterically are all his skills. How does Rama's mother face such a little guy?
The world's best-selling set of children's psychological behavior guidance picture books have been adapted into cartoons and have won many international awards.
"Alpaca Rama Series (8 volumes in Chinese and English bilingual set)" has been selected as the "100 Great Children's Books" by "Scholar" magazine, and won more than 10 international awards. It has been adapted into 15 episodes of cartoons that are in both Chinese and English.
适用年龄: 3-6岁
Recommended for ages: 3-6